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Our Mission

Simply put... constantly do more for our customers than anyone else.

We Lead Through Engaged Employees

We bring passionate people together to work hard, have fun, and inspire each other. 

Excellence comes from engagement of the whole. Inspired employees, suppliers, customers, and community all striving together to deliver innovative designs and personal customer service to the end user. This happens when our employees lead the way.

Our Values Reflect How We Conduct Ourselves Each Day

Create, foster, and embrace change
Strive to always do your best
Be honest, open, and respectful
Inspire through action
Care for one another and the environment
Accept accountability and be accountable
Learn everyday 

We Pride Ourselves In Our Service

We strive to be the easiest power solutions manufacturer to do business with.

We constantly look for customers’ points of AGC (Aggravation, Grief, and Confusion). Wherever there is AGC there is an opportunity to improve the customer’s experience.

We regularly encourage customers to “complain” to us about things that frustrate them. Only by uncovering such items can we do something about them.

Our Team

Meet some of our team and read a bit about why they chose to work for Conscious Power Solutions.

Photo of Paul Murphy - President

Paul Murphy


I grew up on a small farm in Ireland and while I loved the hands-on nature of the vocation, I realized that was not the path for me. (Apparently patience was not my strongest suit). I was always intrigued by the ability of companies to make things and was naturally drawn to manufacturing engineering, specifically lean manufacturing. Over the last 30 years I have seen what a steady job can do to lift people out of poverty, provide stability, confidence, and a future. I have also seen negative impacts when a company consistently puts profit ahead of purpose. Not all Capitalism is made equal. The world is changing rapidly and there is an increasing realization that the current win/lose approach is not working for most stakeholders.

People need the dignity of work, but they also need to be able to work with dignity and purpose. I believe Conscious Capitalism is the next logical evolution, building on lean manufacturing principles. It provides a more balanced, thoughtful approach to doing business while yielding superior sustainable results for all stakeholders over the long term. Engagement is so much easier when you like what you do and where you do it and you love your customers.

Two years ago, we decided to start our own company dedicated to the principles of lean manufacturing and conscious capitalism. What if we built a company from the ground up, that was good for our customers, employees, community, environment, owners, and suppliers.

 We are now on that journey.

Photo of Anna Juskow - Vice President of Engineering

Anna Juskow

Vice President of Engineering

During my second year of attending Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), I decided to change my major from Mechanical Engineering to Mechanical Engineering Technology. Some equated making that change as ‘going to the dark side’ of Engineering. Some people even said that I wouldn’t make as much money or earn the title of Manager because of it. I chose to change because I knew what I wanted to do and being happy with what I was doing was important to me.

Over the last 20+ years I have continued to learn about what it is that I want to do and more importantly, who I want to do it with. Working along side others who are as passionate about what they are doing as you are makes every struggle bearable. You are never going to like 100% of what you must do for work but having people around you who believe in what the company is doing and are willing to go through the trials and tribulations with you makes it worth it.

 Building a company from the ground up wasn’t something that I set out as a goal for my career, but the opportunity was too good to pass up. I consider it a great privilege to create an environment that I enjoy being in and where others can thrive. Where we can make a difference in other’s lives beyond the product that we are making.

 Onward and Upward…

Photo of Raquel Almonte - Operations Supervisor

Raquel Almonte

Operations Supervisor

I was born in the Dominican Republic and I come from a big immigrant family where I’m the only English speaker. I was raised in New York City and moved to Connecticut in my early 20s, running away from the city that never sleeps. I am a proud mom of 2 beautiful kids.

I started working for a Pad Printing company as my first official job in Connecticut where the only thing that was asked of me was to work. A lot of people will say “well that’s common sense, right?”. But it didn’t feel right, a place where your opinion doesn’t matter, your boss doesn’t even know your name and your hard work doesn’t count.

I was always told that my future was in my hands, so I changed it. I found a company where I learned about lean and culture, and where my opinion mattered. I saw the difference that it makes in a company when you treat your employees with the respect they deserve. After 5 years of working in this company, new owners took over and 3 years later they closed the facility. I felt lost.

 An opportunity came my way, the chance to work with a group of people working towards the same goal. And I get to have the same amazing boss again. Can I ask for more in life? I have started a new journey where every day I get to keep in mind what’s the best for our customers, employees, community, environment.

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